
Is islamophobia fuelling the success of the Vlaams Belang?

Who are the Vlaams Belang? The Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) emerged from the post-war flemish nationalist Volksunie as a protest against its perceived moderate line and participation with mainstream Belgian parties. Like the modern Nieuw Vlaamse Alliantie, which emphasises evolutionary change towards Flemish independence, the Volksunie was not extreme enough for the Vlaams Belang, or Vlaams Blok as it was known at that time. Initially it was not afraid of the neo-fascist label and particularly under the leadership of Filip Dewinter, was known for street battles and direct action. After prosecution for racism, the party reformed as the Vlaams Belang, with little actual change to method or policy. After initial growth, the party was heavily impacted by the strength of the NVA in the 2014 elections and lost much of its support. The Vlaams Belang has, however, experienced much greater electoral success under its young leader Tom Van Grieken, who took over in 2014. A communications stra...